HUMANUS (Humanities Bibliographical Database)
HUMANUS (Humanities Bibliographical Database)
HUMANUS is a multidisciplinary database for the humanities. It concerns history as a discipline of the humanities.
The National Széchényi Library of Hungary has developed the software and built the database with the collaborative partners from Hungary and abroad. The Department of Bibliographies in the Humanities works with 9 librarians. It coordinates the consortium and holds responsibility for establishing contact with the potential collaborative partners, making an inventory of the resources from retrospective conversion, and participates in collecting bibliographical data of essays and articles in the fields of hungarica.
Humanities Bibliographical Database is an online database and has no printed version.
Postal address:
National Széchényi Library
Department of Bibliographies in the Humanities
1827 Budapest Budavári Palota
”F” building
Internet address:
Phone: 06-1/224-3792 (Kincső Tamás, Head of Dept.)
Fax: 06-1/375-9984