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European Historical Bibliographies

Irish History Online

Irish History Online


Irish History Online. A bibliography of writings on Irish history

Irish History Online includes bibliographic information on books and pamphlets, articles from journals published in Ireland or internationally, and chapters from books of essays, including Festschriften and conference proceedings. Coverage aims to be comprehensive for material published since 1936. Selected items published before 1936 are also included. Searches can be made by author/editor, by title or keyword from title, by subject, by person as subject, by place as subject, by journal title or series, or by publication details.

Irish History Online is updated regularly and free to use.

Irish History Online project history

Irish History Online was established in 2003 following a successful application for funding from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences by a team consisting of Professor Jacqueline Hill (NUI Maynooth), Dr Bernadette Cunningham (RIA library), Professor Mary O'Dowd (Queen's University, Belfast), and Dr Ian Archer (Keble College, Oxford). Under the IRCHSS Government of Ireland Project Grants Scheme, funding was for three years (2003-6), the purpose being to make available a fully searchable online database of Writings on Irish History, originally published in Irish Historical Studies, later on microfiche, and subsequently in booklet form. The online project was developed in conjunction with the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History from 2003 to 2009, with the assistance of Peter Salt (RHS). Since January 2010 the two projects are entirely separate, to allow Irish History Online to continue as a free service. 

Writings on Irish History, 1936 -

From its inception, the journal Irish Historical Studies offered readers an annual listing of 'Writings on Irish History', covering the period 1936-78. By 1979 the sheer volume of publications suggested a change of format, and Writings on Irish History 1979-83 were published in microfiche by the Irish Committee for Historical Sciences (ICHS) (now the Academy Committee for Historical Sciences, under the aegis of the Royal Irish Academy). From 1984, Writings on Irish History, published by the ICHS (later, in association with A New History of Ireland and Irish Historical Studies) appeared as a separate publication, edited first by Jacqueline Hill (1984), then by Clara Cullen (1985-7), and subsequently by Sarah Ward-Perkins (1988-94). Irish History Online now also incorporates selected entries for material published before 1936 listed in the bibliographies prepared since the 1970s under the auspices of the Royal Irish Academy for inclusion in A New History of Ireland.

Since 1984 the principal compilers of Writings on Irish History have been Clara Cullen (UCD) and Monica Henchy (TCD), giving way in the 1990s to the present compilers, Máirín Cassidy (UCD library) and Ciaran Nicholson (TCD library).


Irish History Online

Royal Irish Academy

19 Dawson Street

Dublin 2



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